Meet the Team

22 Aug 2024

Welcome to our Blog Series, Today we Introduce James Chalmers ( Blondie ) he has worked as a crew member since 2005 and is a highly respected member of the team. His responsibilities range from crew chief to trainer, and he is our designated mental health first aider.

1.How long have you worked in the industry? 

    My first Job was Elton John in the Southampton RoseBowl in 2005. So I will have been working in the industry for 19 years.

    2. Describe a typical day in your job?

    Loading and unloading trucks. Using man power and skills learned to assist in the set up of an event, whether that be production with lights, sound, set and backline or site work.

    3.What’s the most rewarding aspect of your role?

    Arriving in an empty field, witnessing a festival being built from the very first step.

    4.What do you enjoy the most about working at 24/7 event crew?

    The Crew. It may sound like a cliché but the bonds that are formed while working away or tackling challenges together, they are a family away from my family.

    5.Do you enjoy any hobbies outside of work?

    Spending time with Family and friends. Watching a movie or binge-watching a good series and Video games.

    6.What are you looking forward to the most this year?

    The festival run. Being back out in a field and building festival sites.

    James plays a key part in our team. We’re proud to have him on board and looking forward to his future with 24/7 Event Crew.

    If you would like to join our team please email us at