Meet the Team

7 Feb 2024

Welcome to our New Blog Series

Today we Introduce Josh Chapman a key member on our Operations team. Josh is the newest member to join the team after switching from doing a master’s degree to assisting with operations. He has been a part of the summer team for eight years now but has made the big switch to full time. Join us to learn more about josh and his contributions to our team

1.How long have you worked in the industry? 

Since 2016, my first show was Duran Duran at Eden project, then on to “Drownload”

2.Describe a typical day in your job?

On site I’d typically be running around problem solving and working together with the lads to build a site in adverse weather conditions.

3.What’s the most rewarding aspect of your role?

There are two aspects, watching my mates and crew around me develop into better and more qualified people. But also, its very rewarding building a show and seeing thousands of people enjoy the fruits of our collective labour.

4.What do you enjoy the most about working at 24/7 event crew?

Being on site turning fields into festivals or going over seas to work with the lads

5.Do you enjoy any hobbies outside of work?

Lots! I play golf and football, walking my puppy and when I’m chilling playing video games. Also enjoying live music at events I work is a massive bonus.

6.What are you looking forward to the most this year?

Same as every year, going away to work on site. Hopefully after this season I can go travel for a few weeks

Josh plays a key part in our team and is currently completing a NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Course which he is hoping to pass and become our health and safety officer. We’re proud to have josh on board and looking forward to his future with 24/7 Event Crew.

If you would like you join our team please email us at